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British Council

We support governments in delivering social and economic progress and greater equity at every level of education and training – primary, secondary, tertiary, technical and vocational. 

Our approach is to internationalise education, help improve the quality of education, promote innovation and raise the skills of teachers and education leaders. We do this through international partnerships and exchanges, policy dialogues, design and delivery of solutions and the provision of consultancy and education intelligence by drawing on UK expertise.

Education policy

The British Council has a global reputation for the quality of its policy dialogues, strategic advice and support for national education schemes. We support governments in enhancing the quality of education provision, strengthening research and innovation, ensuring that education meets the needs of industry and commerce, and building long lasting education partnerships with the UK and internationally.

Developing policy and strategy in education:

  • Convening the sharing of UK knowledge and skills together in partnership with government.
  • Delivering international policy dialogues.

Building capacity and capability:

  • Advising and supporting quality assurance and accreditation educational intelligence and research.
  • Providing training and support for researchers, headteachers, and education leaders.
  • Developing networks and partnerships with the UK and internationally.

Access, inclusion and equity

We are committed to improving access, equity and inclusion for all levels of education.

We support governments and government agencies in incorporating international experience and good practice with national policies, increasing access for under-represented groups and extending access to UK and international education in schools, vocational education and high education. We offer:

  • access to UK knowledge and skills
  • international policy dialogues and workshops on access and inclusion
  • projects to improve equity, access and inclusion for under-represented groups
  • academic readiness, particularly in English language
  • pre-mobility support for students to ensure success in overseas study programmes
  • design and implementation of systems for academic progression 
  • education intelligence on barriers to access 
  • English language learning for international communication and reference
  • English for peace keeping and policing.


We support governments and government agencies in sharing the best of UK and international knowledge, enhancing the strength of national assurance and accreditation systems and removing academic barriers to mobility progression and learning in education. We offer:

  • access to UK knowledge and skills
  • policy dialogues, workshops and seminars in quality assurance
  • support for mutual accreditation for awards and qualifications
  • educational intelligence and research  
  • training for evaluators and assessors, QA and accreditation bodies
  • advice and support for quality assurance and accreditation
  • assessment of teaching quality
  • design and implementation of teaching quality control programmes.

Education for employment

We create access to the best of the UK’s employment led vocational education systems to support both the development of a strong skills base and lifelong education and development for employees and managers. We offer:

  • access to UK knowledge and skills
  • scoping and evaluation visits to and from the UK
  • policy dialogues, workshops and development sessions on national vocational and higher education systems
  • research and needs analyses 
  • training and support for key technical sectors 
  • advice and support for quality assurance and accreditation
  • networks and support partnerships 
  • tests to establish levels of English competence.